SkyNav Guide

Use the guide below to help understand and utilize your virtual tour on the SkyNav platform.

You can access the region-wide tour by Clicking Here or visiting our website's home page.

Finding Tours

Sharing Your Tour

Linking to Tour

Share your tour on the SkyNav platform by linking it to a button or link on your website. There are various ways to style this should be implemented by your website designer or administrator. Below is an example on the Carousel of Dreams website.

Click image to visit the live example

Button Link Setup

  1. Use the Direct Link provided to you by Visit Tri-Cities or copy and paste the URL while at the beginning of the your tour.
  2. Set up a button in your website that directs the user to the URL above.
  3. We recommend using a screenshot of your tour (as exampled above) to help the user visualize the tour.

Embedding iframe

Share your tour and make it interactive on your own webpage using a HTML iframe, as demonstrated below. This is not a fullscreen experience, so we recommend redirecting your users to the SkyNav platform via your tour link.

Iframe Setup

Please note that this method should only be integrated by your web master or someone that is familiar with HTML coding.

  1. Set up your iframe code with the proper attributes. Click here for guidance.
  2. Copy and paste your tour URL as the src attribute in the iframe code.
  3. Place your iframe code into the desired location on your website.
  4. Publish your website.